5. "I decided it is better to scream. This pitiful sound, which sometimes, goodness knows how, reaches into the remotest prison cell, is a concentrated expression of the last vestige of human dignity."
4. "It was around two decades ago, in the city room of the Boston Evening Transcript, that I first became aware of the elongated-yellow-fruit school of writing. The phrase turned up in a story ... about some fugitive monkeys and the efforts of police to recapture them by using bananas as bait."
3. "Institutions of learning must come under this rule: By their fruits ye shall know them. A practical education is that which gives the mind the most power and adaptability. The credentials that your young and hopeful alma mater will soon confer upon each of you can only give you an introduction to the world of letters and of actual life. They can serve you no further. In whatever of the varied vocations of life you may engage, as well as in general society, you must work out your own destiny."
2. "Heroes are created by popular demand, sometimes out of the scantiest materials, or none at all."
1. " I don't know, I'm making this up as I go!"
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